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53 min
Video of two shirtless men in a modern indoor pool area, one with a tattooed arm, the other with sunglasses, standing by a hot tub, with a blue-tiled background and plant pots.
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53 min
Video of three shirtless, muscular men in a dimly-lit, blue-tinted indoor pool area, wearing red, black, and grey shorts.
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53 min
Video of four shirtless men in white Calvin Klein briefs, some with tattoos, standing around a pool with colorful inflatable toys in the background.
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53 min
Video of three shirtless, muscular men in swim trunks in a rectangular indoor pool, one wearing sunglasses, set against a brick wall.
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53 min
Video of two shirtless men, one muscular and one lean, standing near a pool in a brick-walled outdoor setting.
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53 min
Video of three shirtless, fit men in black briefs, one with a tattoo, in a modern bathroom with a jacuzzi, blue lighting, and potted plants.
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30 min
Video of four shirtless men in swimwear: two dark-haired, two blonde. One blonde man wearing red briefs stands on a poolside ledge, with another blonde man in navy briefs standing beside him.
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16 min
Video of three shirtless, muscular men in tight black swim trunks, standing in a pool area with a brick wall background.
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53 min
Video of a nude, muscular, light-skinned man with a small tattoo on his left side, standing by a small pool with a brick wall background.
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53 min
Video of three naked men, one circumcised, in a pool. Two men sit on the edge, one holding a beach ball. Background: tiled wall, water.
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32 min
Video of three shirtless, muscular men in a swimming pool area; one wearing black shorts, one in white pants, and one in a brown tank top, all with toned physiques.
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11 min
Video of three nude, muscular men in a brick-walled, tiled outdoor pool area. One sits on a bench, another stands in the water, and the third stands on the edge.
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54 min
Video of four shirtless men in swim briefs standing around a pool, three in the water, one on the edge.
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21 min
Video of four shirtless, fit young men in a gym, wearing sports shorts and gloves, with one man tattooed, two holding a yellow card, and one with a red stripe on his shorts.
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6 min
Video of two shirtless, muscular men in swim shorts standing inside a pool house, with a third man, also shirtless, bending over the pool.
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53 min
Video of three shirtless young men in a modern indoor space. Two flex their biceps, one wears a green t-shirt, and another has black shorts. Background includes a jacuzzi, a gym-like setting, and a brick wall.
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53 min
Video of a young, muscular, nude man with a large erect penis, standing in a pool area with two shirtless men; one touching his chest, the other wearing sunglasses.
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53 min
Video of a young man in a bathtub, with a blue bubble toy, surrounded by a tiled shower area, and a person outside the shower door watching.
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53 min
Video of three young, fit men wearing casual athletic clothes in a modern outdoor pool area with a blue canopy roof. One man has a green arm band, another is shirtless, and the third wears a black t-shirt.
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52 min
Video of two shirtless men in swim trunks, one holding a beach ball, standing in a small, rectangular pool on a sunlit rooftop patio.
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52 min
Video of two shirtless, muscular Latino men, one wearing red swim trunks, standing by an outdoor, rectangular, turquoise pool with a blue-tiled wall and a wooden fence.
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53 min
Video of three shirtless young men, one adjusting another's shorts, standing near an outdoor pool in a courtyard.
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20 min
Video of three shirtless men, one in black briefs, sitting by a small indoor hot tub with a blue ball, in a brick-walled room with blue accents.
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53 min
Video of four shirtless young men in swim trunks, standing near an indoor pool with blue water. One wears black shorts, another a green shirt with \"God of Me\" text, and the others red shorts.